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Beyond the Four Walls of the Church

The Kingdom of God was never meant to exist solely within the 4 walls of the church. We believe God wants to influence and transform every aspect of our lives, impacting not just our church gatherings, but our families, neighborhoods, and cities; our educational systems and governmental leaders; our places of employment and our places of rest. Not everyone is called into church leadership or long-term missions; but ALL are called to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth and to disciple nations (Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:19). God is too big and too good to only show up on Sunday mornings. We are His beloved, and He wants to minister TO us and THROUGH us in all areas of our lives!

Fruit of a revivalist lifestyle

A lifestyle of revival is one full of focus and passion, willing to pay whatever it costs to live in alignment with the gospel of the Kingdom. This lifestyle produces intimacy with God which bears fruit like purity, power, community, miracles, fruit of the Spirit, and transformation of the lives and cultures around them. 

global impact

We burn to see Oahu and the nations set on fire for Jesus. We are already seeing the first fruits of revival here and we believe that what the Lord is doing in Hawaii has lasting global impact. We are focused on training and equipping revivalists to radically impact the world for Jesus Christ. We have a mandate to train, equip, refresh, build, and send believers to bring the Kingdom of God in every vocation and walk of life. Our passion is to see His Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10). As an apostolic training center, we aim to parter with Christ in seeing His Bride equipped, unified, and operating in power. This won’t just happen at one church in one city, Jesus is coming back for the WHOLE Bride of Christ. We don’t gather just to gather, we gather to scatter in order to advance the Kingdom of God in every sphere of influence in every nation. We do all of this so that Jesus would get everything that He’s worthy of.

Signs & Wonders

Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom and demonstrated its advancement against the enemy by healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons. He left the furtherance of His kingdom in the hands of His disciples with the expectation that this Gospel of power would be taken all throughout the earth until the day He returns. Miracles, signs, and wonders are the works demonstrated to confirm the good news. As believers, we are all empowered to demonstrate these works and advance the Kingdom of God. Jesus has called us to go into the nations and be the salt and light of the world.